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Search results for kappa,1444 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1444
Translated headword: crowning; head
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] stout/sturdy.[1]
Aristophanes [writes]: "lest in anger he smites your temples with a crowning word and spills out your Telephus." Meaning with a stout/sturdy one.[2] And in
Clouds [he writes]: "nor used it to be allowed, when dining, [to take] the head of a radish or to snatch dill from one's seniors".[3] A 'head' is the stalky part next to the leaves. They used not to cut a radish lengthways, as now, but in rings.
Radish, dill.[4]
Greek Original:*kefalai/w|: a(drw=|. *)aristofa/nhs: i(/na mh\ kefalai/w| to\n kro/tafo/n sou r(h/mati qenw\n u(p' o)rgh=s, e)kxe/h| to\n *th/lefon. a)nti\ tou= a(drw=|. kai\ e)n *nefe/lais: ou)d' e)de/sqai deipnou=nta e)ch=n kefa/laion th=s r(afani=dos ou)d' a)/nhqon tw=n presbute/rwn a(rpa/zein. kefa/laio/n e)sti to\ pro\s ta\ fu/lla kaulw=des. ou)k e)/temnon de\ kata\ mh=kos w(s nu=n, a)lla\ kata\ ku/klon th\n r(afani=da. r(afani/s, a)/nhqon.
[1] Dative singular(s), the headword from the first quotation that follows. (It is used there as an adjective, but later in the entry as a substantive.)
Frogs 854-855, with scholion; Dionysus is warning
Euripides about the power of
Aeschylus' vocabulary.
Clouds 981-982; cf.
rho 55.
[4] These are presumably embryonic cross-references.
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; imagery; rhetoric; tragedy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 November 2008@05:15:56.
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