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Search results for kappa,1442 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1442
Translated headword: heading, summary; capital
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Some of those whose familiarity with the speeches written by the Ten [Attic] Orators has been acquired carelessly think that [the term]
kephalaion is applied only to a subject and a speech; witness e.g. in
Aeschines, in the speech
Against Ktesiphon: "for lack of money the mercenaries did not hand over the citadel to the Thebans; and when all the Arkadians had been mobilized, did not the matter lapse because of nine talents of silver. But you are a rich man and you serve as
choregos to your own pleasures -- and in a word, this man [
Demosthenes] gets the king's gold, [we get the dangers]".[1] But
kephalaion is also used in reference to money; as [sc. elsewhere] in the [speech]
Against Ktesiphon Aeschines [writes]: "and [the men of Oreos] paid
Demosthenes the bribe-taker interest, at a drachma per mina per month, until they paid off the capital".[2]
Greek Original:*kefa/laion: e)/nioi tw=n r(a|qu/mws e)ntetuxhko/twn toi=s u(po\ tw=n de/ka r(hto/rwn grafei=si lo/gois to\ kefa/laion oi)/ontai pareilh=fqai e)pi\ pra/gmatos kai\ lo/gou mo/non: w(s para\ *ai)sxi/nh| e)n tw=| kata\ *kthsifw=ntos: di' e)/ndeian me\n xrhma/twn oi( ce/noi *qhbai/ois th\n a)/kran ou) pare/dosan: dia\ de\ e)nne/a ta/lanta a)rguri/ou, pa/ntwn *)arka/dwn e)celhluqo/twn, h( pra=cis ou) gege/nhtai. su\ de\ ploutei=s kai\ tai=s h(donai=s tai=s e(autou= xorhgei=s kai\ to\ kefa/laion, to\ me\n basiliko\n xrusi/on para\ tou/tw|. parei/lhptai de\ kai\ e)p' a)rguri/ou to\ kefa/laion: w(s o( *ai)sxi/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *kthsifw=ntos: kai\ to/kon h)/negkan *dhmosqe/nei tou= dwrodokh/matos, draxmh\n tou= mhno\s ta\s mna=s, e(/ws to\ kefa/laion a)pe/dosan.
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Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; geography; history; imagery; military affairs; politics; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 11 November 2008@05:46:59.
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