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Headword: *keroba/ths
Adler number: kappa,1415
Translated headword: horn-footed
Vetting Status: high
[sc. An epithet of] Pan; since he seems to have the hooves of a goat; hence he is also called "goat-feeding" and "goat-footed." Or because he has horns. Or in having a horny step; for he is observed to have the lower extremities of a goat, so that he's called "horn-footed" from his feet. Or as one who walks into the horns [i.e. peaks] of the mountains. Or as one who walks on the peaks.[1] 'Playing his reed-pipe': because the ancients used reed rather than horn [for pipes]. For they knew horn[-pipes] but retained the name [reed-pipes] in conformity with the older usage; as we even now say gut-strings from sinew, since in early times they were made of gut.
And [there is] a saying: 'give [me] horn-tipped bows'.[2]
Greek Original:
*keroba/ths: o( *pa/n: e)peidh\ xhla\s e)/xein dokei= tra/gou: dio\ kai\ ai)gibo/ths kai\ tragoba/mwn kalei=tai. h)\ o(/ti ke/rata e)/xei. h)\ th\n ba/sin e)/xwn kera/tinon: i(storei=tai ga\r ta\ ka/tw tra/gou e)/xwn: w(/ste a)po\ tw=n podw=n keratoba/ths. h)\ o( ei)s ta\ ke/rata tw=n o)rw=n bai/nwn. h)\ o( e)pi\ ke/rata bai/nwn. *kalamofqo/ggw de\ pai/zwn: dio/ti oi( a)rxai=oi kala/mw| a)nti\ kerati/ou e)xrw=nto. h)/|desan me\n ga\r to\ ke/ras, a)ne/feron de\ tw=| o)no/mati e)pi\ th\n a)rxai/an xrh=sin: w(s kai\ xorda\s le/gomen e)/ti kai\ nu=n ta\s e)k tw=n neu/rwn, o(/ti to\ palaio\n e)nte/rinai h)=san. kai\ paroimi/a: do\s to/ca keroulka/.
The main part of this entry glosses the description of Pan at Aristophanes, Frogs 230: kai\ keroba/tas *pa\n o( kalamo/fqogga pai/zwn (web address 1). See also Hesychius kappa2351 and Photius, Lexicon kappa612 Theodoridis.
[1] cf. kappa 1350.
[2] Euripides, Orestes 268. (Why this should be called a paroimia is unclear.) Adler notes the view of Hemsterhuys that this belongs with kappa 1417.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; botany; chronology; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; medicine; meter and music; religion; trade and manufacture; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 5 December 2001@07:57:58.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 6 December 2001@01:45:00.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 19 February 2013@06:04:11.
Catharine Roth (supplemented note) on 2 September 2013@21:32:29.
David Whitehead (expanded n.2) on 2 April 2014@06:31:11.
David Whitehead (coding) on 1 May 2016@03:53:24.


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