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Search results for kappa,1406 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1406
Translated headword: Kerkopes, Cercopes, Tailed-men
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] criminals, sneaks, deceivers, flatterers; [the kind of men] who, as the fox deceives hunting dogs, cheat the less sophisticated with their "tail" [ke/rkos] of words.[1]
They say that the Kerkopes became "liars, tricksters, permitting inescapable acts, utter deceivers; they used to go about over much of the earth deceiving men, roaming all their days".[2]
Greek Original:*ke/rkwpes: panou=rgoi, do/lioi, a)patew=nes, ko/lakes: oi(/, kaqa/per h( a)lw/phc tou\s qhratikou\s ku/nas a)pata=|, tou\s a(plouste/rous fenaki/zousi th=| ke/rkw| tw=n lo/gwn. fasi\ tou\s *ke/rkwpas gene/sqai, yeu/stas, h)peroph=as, a)mh/xana/ t' e)/rg' e)a/santas, e)capathth=ras: pollh\n d' e)pi\ gai=an i)o/ntes a)nqrw/pous a)pa/taskon, a)lw/menoi h)/mata pa/nta.
Pausanias the Atticist kappa26, and similarly elsewhere (see the references at
Lexicon kappa606 Theodoridis). For this nominative plural headword see already
kappa 1405.
[2] A fragment of hexameter poetry (Kinkel
EGF p. 70) attributed to the Homeric
Cercopes by T.W. Allen in his OCT edition of
Homer (V, p. 160). H. Erbse, in his edition of
Pausanias, marks the puzzling phrase
e)/rg' e)a/santas "permitting ... acts" as corrupt. (Adler notes Bernhardy's emendation to
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; imagery; law; meter and music; mythology; poetry; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 11 April 2008@01:31:53.
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