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Search results for kappa,1377 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1377
Translated headword: thunderbolt
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [A thunderbolt is] "a violent kindling falling upon the earth with great force, from clouds being rubbed together or broken... But others [say that it is] a gathering of fiery air moving violently downwards."[1]
But the thunderbolt does not destroy, but burns up.[2]
Greek Original:*kerauno/s: e)/cayis sfodra\ meta\ pollh=s bi/as pi/ptousa e)pi\ gh=s, nefw=n paratribome/nwn h)\ r(hgnume/nwn. oi( de\ sustrofh\n purw/dous a)e/ros biai/ws kataferome/nhn. ou)k a)nairei= de\ o( kerauno/s, a)ll' e)pifle/gei.
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; philosophy; science and technology
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 25 July 2008@16:57:29.
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