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Search results for kappa,1372 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1372
Translated headword: mixed
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Adverb, meaning kerastikôs ["for mixing"].[1] "And then he drew for himself some more [wine] again, mixed."[2] [The] sense [is]: he decanted some more of the mixture out of the vessel it was in.[3]
Greek Original:*kera/s: e)pi/rrhma, a)nti\ tou= kerastikw=s. meta\ d' au)= kera\s h)fu/sat' a)/llo. o( de\ nou=s: a)po\ tou= kera/smatos a)/llo h)/ntlhsen a)po\ tou= a)/ggous, e)n w(=| h)=n.
[1] Attested only here (from the passage about to be quoted); cf. LSJ s.v.
kera/s, B.
Hecale fr. 246 Pfeiffer; see already under
kappa 1289.
[3] From the
scholia to this passage.
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; poetry
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 7 November 2008@02:56:13.
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