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Search results for kappa,1346 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1346
Translated headword: empty men think empty thoughts
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A proverb. [It arose] because
Archias, who wanted to betray
Cyprus to
Demetrius, was caught, and hanged himself on a rope taken from one of the curtain-hangings. For in fact, because of their desires "empty men think empty thoughts". Furthermore that man, because he thought he was about to receive 500 talents, discarded even the possessions he already had.[1]
And again
Aristophanes [writes]: "running in to the town hall with his belly empty, he came out with it full".[2] That is, out of the city.[3]
Greek Original:*kenoi\ kena\ logi/zontai: paroimi/a. *)arxi/as ga\r *ku/pron boulo/menos prodou=nai *dhmhtri/w| kai\ fwraqei/s, kalw|di/w| tw=n e)k th=s au)lai/as parapepetasme/nwn e(auto\n a)pekre/mase. tw=| ga\r o)/nti dia\ ta\s e)piqumi/as kenoi\ kena\ logi/zontai. kai\ ga\r e)kei=nos do/cas pentako/sia ta/lanta proslh/yesqai kai\ ta\ prou+pa/rxonta prosapw/lese. kai\ au)=qis *)aristofa/nhs: e)sdramw\n e)s to\ prutanei=on kenh=| th=| koili/a| e)/ceisi ple/a|. toute/stin e)k th=s po/lews.
[1] For
Archias (and this passage of
Polybius) see already
alpha 4103; and cf.
alpha 4434.
Knights 280-1 (web address 1), related to the preceding passage only by the use of the same adjective; cf.
epsilon 446.
[3] From the
scholia to the preceding passage. The gloss means, in effect, at the community's expense. For meals in the 'town hall' (
prytaneion) see
pi 2999.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; food; historiography; history; imagery; proverbs
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 July 2001@05:01:46.
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