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Adler number: kappa,1307
Translated headword: Keltoi, Celtae, Celts
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Name of a people, the ones called Germans. They are on both sides of the Rhine river; they overran the land of the Albanians.[1] They are also called Senones.[2]
Concerning the Celts: [note] that the Celts waged war against the Romans. A certain leading man of the Celts, handsome in body and very brave in spirit, advancing before the mass of his army, challenged the best of his opponents to single combat. A certain Valerius, leader of a phalanx, undertook the combat, and by some divine luck happened on a plan which turned out according to his intention. For when he advanced armed before his own unit, a crow landed on the right arm of the man. Flying against the face of the Celt in the combat and scratching his face with its talons and covering his eyes with its wings, he handed the enemy over helpless to Valerius, granting to the man at the same time both victory and a sobriquet from contingency.[3] For from this time he was called Corvinus; because of the courage which he had evidenced, contrary to the custom of the Romans he achieved the consular authority while still a young man.[4]
Greek Original:*keltoi/: o)/noma e)/qnous, oi( lego/menoi *germanoi/: oi(\ a)mfi\ to\n *(rh=non potamo/n ei)sin, oi(\ kate/qeon th\n gh=n tw=n *)albanw=n: ou(\s kai\ *sh/nwnas kalou=sin. peri\ tw=n *keltw=n. o(/ti *keltoi\ kata\ *(rwmai/wn e)stra/teusan. a)nh\r de/ tis tw=n *keltw=n h(gemoniko/s, to/ te sw=ma e)kpreph\s kai\ to\n qumo\n a)lkimw/tatos proelqw\n tou= oi)kei/ou plh/qous e)s monomaxi/an proukalei=to tw=n e)nanti/wn to\n a)/riston. *bale/rios de/ tis h(gemw\n fa/laggos u(pe/sth to\ a)gw/nisma, kai\ qei/a| de/ tini moi/ra| kata\ gnw/mhn a)poba/ntos e)/tuxe tou= bouleu/matos. e)pei\ ga\r proh=lqe tou= oi)kei/ou ta/gmatos o(plisa/menos, ko/rac prosiza/nei tw=| deciw=| tou= a)ndro\s braxi/oni: a)ntipro/swpos de\ tw=| *keltw=| kata\ to\n a)gw=na fero/menos kai\ toi=s te o)/nucin a)mu/ttwn to\ pro/swpon kai\ tai=s pte/rucin e)pikalu/ptwn tou\s o)fqalmou\s a)fu/lakton tw=| *baleri/w| to\n pole/mion parade/dwken, o(mou= th/n te ni/khn tw=| a)ndri\ kai\ th\n a)po\ tou= sumbebhko/tos e)pwnumi/an xarisa/menos: *korbi=nos ga\r dh\ to\ e)nteu=qen e)peklh/qh: th=s te marturhqei/shs a)reth=s e(/neka para\ ta\ kaqesthko/ta *(rwmai/ois no/mima th=s u(patikh=s a)rxh=s e)/ti meira/kion w)\n tugxa/nei.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; constitution; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 2 November 2003@22:32:10.
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