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Adler number: kappa,1297
Translated headword: boatswain
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Trierarch, bow-officer, boatswain.[1] And the trierarch commands the ship and the crew; he is [appointed] by selection from the politicians.[2] The bow-officer[3] commands the oarsmen; the boatswains[4] [command] the very same and the marines. The boatswains provide a very important service. For in order that the rowers bake the loaves as necessary and keep the [proper] measure in dining, the following things are their concern: wine, meat, olive-oil, all such things - so that by taking care of these things on a daily basis they may have their share of the provision for their task.
Arrian [writes]: "the boatswains give the tone to the oarsmen on every ship".[5]
Greek Original:*keleusth/s: trih/rarxos, prwreu/s, keleusth/s: kai\ o( me\n trih/rarxos a)/rxei th=s nho\s kai\ tou= plhrw/matos: e)/sti de\ kat' e)klogh\n tw=n politikw=n a)ndrw=n. a)/rxei de\ o( prwreu\s tw=n kwphlatw=n: oi( de\ keleustai\ tou/twn au)tw=n kai\ tw=n e)pibatw=n. megi/sthn de\ pare/xontai xrei/an oi( keleustai/. kai\ ga\r i(/na tou\s a)/rtous deo/ntws pe/ttwsi kai\ suntelw=si to\ me/tron e)n tw=| deipnei=n oi( kwphla/tai, tou/tois e)sti\n e)pimele/s: oi)/nou, kre/ws, e)lai/ou, pa/ntwn tw=n toiou/twn, i(/na tau=ta throu=ntes kaq' h(me/ran to\ e)piba/llon e)/xwsi tou= didome/nou pro\s th\n xrei/an. *)arriano/s: oi( keleustai\ kaq' e(ka/sthn nau=n to\ e)ndo/simon toi=s e)re/tais e)ne/dosan.
[1] Clearly these three terms are not intended to gloss the headword. rather, to introduce brief definitions of all three, before concentration on the third. See generally Lionel Casson,
Ships and Seamanship in the Ancient World (Baltimore 1995) 300-304. The source of the present material (before the Arrian quotation) is indeterminable.
[2] cf.
tau 974.
[3] First mate, in effect (Casson).
[4] Literally orderer, the man who gave the beat to the oarsmen (cf. next note); in practice 'in charge of the rowing personnel, responsible for training and morale' (Casson).
[5] Arrian,
Parthika fr.61 Roos-Wirth (FGrH 156 F151); cf.
epsilon 1183.
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; food; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Kiril Galev on 12 August 2003@09:54:52.
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