Suda On Line
Search results for kappa,1261 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1261
Translated headword: bawler
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] loud-voiced.
Aristophanes [writes]: "having a voice of Kykloboros." The Kykloborios [is] a river in Attica, one swollen in winter. So he has compared the bad voice to the sound of the river.[1]
And elsewhere: "greedy, bawler, having a voice of Kykloboros."[2]
Greek Original:*kekra/kths: megalo/fwnos. *)aristofa/nhs: kuklobo/rou fwnh\n e)/xwn. potamo\s de\ *)attiko\s o( *kuklobo/rios, xeima/rrous. th\n kakofwni/an ou)=n ei)/kase tou= potamou= tw=| h)/xw|. kai\ a)llaxou=: a(/rpac, kekra/kths, kuklobo/rou fwnh\n e)/xwn.
Aristophanes Knights 137 (web address 1), with scholion; cf.
kappa 2648. The Suda miscopies the river-name: it should be Kykloboros (as also in
Photius s.v.).
[2] Not in fact elsewhere, but in the same place.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; geography; imagery; politics
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 23 October 2008@01:16:55.
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