Interpretation of a dream: if you are holding spun [threads], expect sorrows.
*keklwsme/na: lu/sis o)nei/rou: nenhsme/na kratw=n de\ prosdo/ka lu/pas.
From the dream-interpretations, in verse, attributed to
Astrampsychus (
alpha 4251), but see under
nu 315. Oddly, the present headword
nenhsme/na is not the participle used in the verse,
An allusion to the old metaphor of spun thread as fate.
Plato (
Laws 960C, web address 1) uses the aorist participle instead of this perfect participle with the same meaning, and
Philostratus uses the same word (
Heroicus 732.7:
diepo/rqmeusen au)to\n e)s th\n *fqi/an dia\ ta\ e)p' au)tw=| keklwsme/na, "Thetis sent Achilles away to Phthia because of what was fated for him", i.e. to prevent him dying in
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