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Search results for kappa,1161 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1161
Translated headword: Kaiadas
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Among Laconians [this means] a royal garrison, and [among] Sicilians. But among Persians [it is] a building filled with ash. Among Ethiopians evildoers had been bound with golden chains.[1] Into the Kaiadas the Laconians are accustomed to throw evildoers.[2]
Greek Original:*kaia/das: para\ *la/kwsi basilikh\ froura/, kai\ *sikeliw/tais. para\ de\ *pe/rsais oi)/khma mesto\n te/fras. para\ de\ *ai)qi/oyin oi( kakou=rgoi xrusai=s a(lu/sesin e)de/dento. ei)s de\ to\n *kaia/dan ei)w/qasin oi( *la/kwnes tou\s kakou/rgous r(i/ptein.
See also
kappa 1212.
[1] cf.
Herodotus 3.23.4 (and
Comica adespota fr. 413 Kock, not in K.-A.).
[2] The Kaiadas/Keadas -- also called Kaietas in some sources -- has been identified with a cleft containing ancient bones near the modern village of Trypi, 8 km WNW of
Sparta. See generally
Thucydides 1.134.4 (the
scholia to which supply the present sentence),
Pausanias 4.18.4-5, and under
beta 100 and
beta 101.
P. Themelis, 'Kaia/das', Athens Annals of Archaeology, 15 (1982), 183-203
Archaeological Reports, 31 (1984-5), 24; 32 (1985-6), 29
G.A. Pikoulas, 'Kaia/das II', Horos, 6 (1988), 85
Keywords: comedy; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 24 June 2001@02:42:28.
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