*kaxe/ktai: tai=s de\ a)lhqei/ais u(ph=rxon e)n au)toi=s kaxe/ktai metabolh=s oi)kei=oi.
The headword, a nominative plural, is presumably extracted from the quotation given.
The quotation itself was attributed by Bernhardy to
Polybius, presumably on the strength of other passages in that author which use the headword
kaxe/kths in this applied (non-medical) way: see LSJ s.v., and cf.
kappa 1152. But Adler ventured 'fort. Dam.', and it is accepted by Zintzen as
Life of Isidore fr.388.
The allusion to "change" may be a euphemism for "death" (LSJ. s.v.
metabolh/ II.4); alternatively, constitutional/political revolution.
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