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Headword: *kausteiro/s, *kauthro\s
Adler number: kappa,1141
Translated headword: burning
Vetting Status: high
[kausteiro/s], but kauthro/s [sc. is also attested].
Greek Original:
*kausteiro/s, *kauthro\s de/.
The primary headword adjective kausteiro/s (LSJ at web address 1) appears in twice in Homer (Iliad 4.342, 12.316) in the feminine genitive singular, used figuratively of battle. The masculine appears by analogy in late Epic: kausthroi=o (sic) in Oppian, Halieutica 2.509 (deriving kausthro/s from kausth/r). The grammarians spell the masculine adjective with ei, to match kau/steira. Grammarians from Herodian on (De prosodia catholica vol. 3,1 p. 199) defend the ei spelling as a Boeoticism (ou) ma/xetai: "it cannot be disputed"). [Adler reports that mss GVM of the Suda read kau+teiro/s here, and that ms F has kau+thro/s.]
The second form, kauthro/s, would be an alternative for kausthro/s, like the alternative forms kauto/s and kausto/s; but the form only appears in lexica (kappa 1143, and ps.-Zonaras s.v. zei/dwros, in the derivation of kausteiro/s).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; imagery; military affairs
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 6 October 2008@08:49:18.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaked notes, added keyword, set status) on 10 October 2008@01:16:29.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 12 October 2008@03:27:27.
David Whitehead (tweaked notes; more keywords) on 11 February 2013@09:10:07.


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