*kau/kwnes: o)/noma e)/qnous. e)ggu\s de\ tou\s e)pibouleu/ontas ei)=nai *kau/kwna/s te kai\ *le/legas *(omhrikou/s: *pelasgou\s de\ ou)damou= ou)de\ *di/ous. ei)rh/sqw ga\r e)n kairw=| e)moi\ to/de.
The Barrington Atlas places the Kaukones in the NW and W Peloponnese (map 58) and also on the Paphlagonian shore of the Black Sea, between
Heraclea and
Sinope (map 86).
[1] This and all the other peoples of the entry are mentioned in
Iliad 10.429 (web address 1).
Aelian fr. 280 Domingo-Forasté (282 Hercher).
*di/ous is apparently interpreted as another ethnic name, although in
Homer it is an epithet ("glorious") of the Pelasgians. For the adverb
ou)damou= "nowhere," manuscript F has
ou)damw=s "not at all" (reading preferred by Gottfried Hermann); Bernhardy suggested
ou)damh= ma\ *di/a "not at all glorious by Zeus!"
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