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Headword: *katwna/kh
Adler number: kappa,1114
Translated headword: katonake
Vetting Status: high
It is a cloak [which has] a fleece [nakos] [hanging] from the lower [kato] parts, that is a wrapped-around hide. They[1] seem to have adopted this garment when the Athenians were under duress from the [Peisistratid] tyrants, so that the citizens would be too poor to come into town. For it stretched down to the knees. Aristophanes [writes]: "do you not know that when the Spartans came again in force and killed many Thessalians and many companions and allies of Hippias, [they freed] you katonake-wearers?"[2] For indeed most of the Thessalians were helping Hippias.
Greek Original:
*katwna/kh: i(ma/tio/n e)stin e)k tw=n ka/tw merw=n na/kos, toute/sti difqe/ran perierramme/non. dokou=si de\ a)mfie/sasqai tou=to, tw=n tura/nnwn e)panagkasa/ntwn tou\s *)aqhnai/ous, i(/na u(po\ eu)telei/as mh\ kati/wsin ei)s a)/stu oi( poli=tai. me/xri ga\r tw=n gona/twn h)=n dih=kon. *)aristofa/nhs: ou)k i)/sq' o(/q' u(ma=s oi( *la/kwnes au)=qis au)= katwna/kas forou=ntas, e)lqo/ntes dori\ pollou\s me\n a)/ndras *qettalw=n a)pw/lesan, pollou\s d' e(tai/rous *(ippi/a kai\ cumma/xous. kai\ ga\r kai\ tw=n *qettalw=n oi( plei=stoi e)boh/qoun *(ippi/a|.
See also kappa 1115.
[1] Hesychius s.v., from which this sentence derives, makes the subject explicit: "Athenians".
[2] Aristophanes, Lysistrata 1150-53 (web address 1), with comment from the scholia there to follow. See Henderson [below] 202-4, including (203) the suggestion that "later tradition that the tyrants of Athens and of Sikyon forced citizens to wear servile clothing may have been inferred from this passage". For a full argument to this effect see already D. Whitehead, "The serfs of Sikyon", Liverpool Classical Monthly 6 (1981) 37-41.
Aristophanes, Lysistrata, edited with introduction and commentary by Jeffrey Henderson (Oxford 1987)
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: clothing; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; geography; history; politics; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 18 July 2001@07:28:02.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (supplemented translation, added link) on 10 September 2003@21:33:39.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 11 September 2003@03:07:47.
David Whitehead on 11 February 2013@06:58:32.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 15 February 2013@00:15:03.


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