Search results for kappa,107 in Adler number:
Headword: *kaqi/kwmai Adler number: kappa,107 Translated headword: I may arrive, I would arrive Vetting Status: high Translation:
Aorist subjunctive.
Greek Original:
*kaqi/kwmai: au)qupo/takton.
sc. of kaqikne/omai; first person singular. This form of the verb must be quoted from somewhere but is attested only here.
For other forms cf. kappa 104, kappa 105, kappa 106.
William Hutton (augmented note, set status) on 5 March 2008@02:41:15. David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 5 March 2008@03:34:45. David Whitehead on 22 January 2013@05:30:22. David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 29 December 2015@09:35:21.