*ka/tths, ka/ttou: o( katoiki/dios ai)/louros.
ai)/louros see
alphaiota 185,
sigma 911.
As regards the present entry, both
katta (feminine: LSJ entry at web address 1) and
kattos (masculine) are attested. (Evagrius Scholasticus (C6 CE) implies that this was the commonly used word, and
ailouros the learned word (PG 86.2880B); see Lampe s.v.) Thus one might have supposed the present entry's
ka/tths, ka/ttou to be two genitives, feminine and masculine, but in fact
ka/tths is also attested as a nominative: see George the Monk,
Chronicon 253.9 (
ku/wn kai\ ka/tths "dog and cat"), and under
omicroniota 64.
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