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Search results for kappa,1054 in Adler number:
Adler number: kappa,1054
Translated headword: was thrown down, collapsed
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he/she/it] fell, was turned upside down. "The most violent thunder burst out, and the inn collapsed."[1]
Greek Original:*kathrra/xqh: e)/pese, perietra/ph. e)pirrh/gnutai bronth\ biaiota/th, kai\ to\ pandokei=on kathrra/xqh.
Aelian fr.81 Hercher = 84i Domingo-Forasté. A similar expression
e)pirrage/ntos u(etou= is found in
De natura animalium 7.8. Both verbs (
katarrh/gnumi and
e)pirrh/gnumi) are compounds of
katarrh/gnumi is much more frequent. The present headword (extracted from the quotation) is aorist passive, third person singular.
Keywords: architecture; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; science and technology
Translated by: Alexandra Trachsel on 17 February 2009@05:08:48.
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