*kath/lifa: meso/dmhn. *)aristofa/nhs: e)pi\ th\n kath/lif' eu)qu\s a)nephdh/samen.
[1] Both the headword (extracted from the quotation given) and its gloss are accusative singular.
Frogs 566. The present gloss is that of the
scholia there, and occurs also in other lexica:
Hesychius s.v.
kath=liy and
Photius s.v.
kath=liy; and
Pollux 7. 123. It denotes a horizontal construction in the upper part (roof) of a house or a ship (e.g, a storage shelf supported by a beam; see Dover 1993).
*kath=liy occurs again in Lucian,
Lexiphanes 8.5.
meso/dmh is more common (for the designation of a part in the house, see e.g also
Odyssey 19.37 (with scholion), 20.354; Quintus Smyrnaeus 13.451. For its use in the context of ships, see e.g.
Odyssey 2.424 (with scholion), 15.289; Apollonius Rhodius,
Argonautica 1.563 and scholion;
Alexandra 751 and scholion;
Dionysiaca 36.407, 39.316, 45.142). In the Suda (
mu 666)
meso/dmh is defined as referring to the middle.
K.J. Dover, Aristophanes. Frogs, Oxford 1993
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