Suda On Line
Search results for iota,95 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,95
Translated headword: form, idea
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "At that time many forms of evils were gripping the city."[1] That is, [many] starting-points.
Greek Original:*)ide/a. to/te de\ pollai\ i)de/ai kakw=n sune/sxon th\n po/lin. toute/stin u(poqe/seis.
Same entry in ps.-
cf. generally
iota 96,
iota 97.
[1] Quotation (and therefore location) unidentifiable.
Keywords: definition; ethics; historiography
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 15 September 2004@19:44:16.
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