Suda On Line
Search results for iota,84 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,84
Translated headword: Ignatius, Ignatios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Deacon and
skeuophylax of the Great Church in Constantinople;[1] he became metropolitan of Nicaea. Grammarian. He wrote
biographies of Tarasius and Nicephorus, the holy and blessed patriarchs;[2]
funeral elegies;
letters; iambics against
Thomas the Rebel,[3] which they call the ones
Concerning Thomas; etc.
Greek Original:*)igna/tios, dia/konos kai\ skeuofu/lac th=s mega/lhs e)kklhsi/as *kwnstantinoupo/lews kai\ gegonw\s mhtropoli/ths *nikai/as, grammatiko/s. e)/graye bi/ous *tarasi/ou kai\ *nikhfo/rou tw=n a(gi/wn kai\ makari/wn patriarxw=n: e)pitumbi/ous e)le/gous: e)pistola/s: i)a/mbous ei)s *qwma=n to\n *)anta/rthn, a(/per o)noma/zousi ta\ kata\ *qwma=n: kai\ a)/lla.
RE Ignatios(2).
[1] Hagia Sophia.
[2] Tarasius (patriarch 784-806) and Nicephorus (patriarch 806-815) were opponents of the iconoclasts: see Catholic Encyclopedia entries at web addresses 1 & 2.
Thomas the Slav began his attempt to make himself emperor in 820/1. On this title, where the preposition
eis does need to be construed as 'against', see Barry Baldwin, "Book Titles in the Suda",
Journal of Hellenic Studies 103 (1983) 136-7, at 136 (adding for good measure the comment that,
pace Adler, this material cannot possibly come from
Hesychius of Miletus).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; meter and music; poetry; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 4 March 2001@11:53:15.
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