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Search results for iota,79 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,79
Translated headword: bugle
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A musical instrument, [named] from
When the Celts engaged with the Romans "the throng of buglers and trumpeters was innumerable. With the whole army singing a paian at the same time there was an accumulation of noise such as to make the surrounding terrain echo and seem to project a startling sound."[2]
Greek Original:*)ibu/kinon: mousiko\n o)/rganon, a)po\ *)ibu/kou. o(/ti kata\ th\n sumplokh\n tw=n *keltw=n pro\s *(rwmai/ous a)nari/qmhton h)=n to\ tw=n i)bukanhtw=n kai\ salpigktw=n plh=qos. oi(=s a(/ma tou= panto\s stratope/dou paiani/zontos kraugh\ h)=n summigh\s w(s kai\ tou\s parakeime/nous to/pous h)xei=n kai\ dokei=n proi/+esqai fwnh\n e)kplhktikh/n.
[1] For this false etymology (for a word which should be a Greek transliteration of the Latin
bucina) see already under
iota 77. The entry
*)ibu/kinon in LSJ is otiose.
[2] An approximation of
Polybius 2.29.5-6.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs; meter and music
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 April 2006@04:26:27.
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