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Headword: *)ifikrati/des
Adler number: iota,770
Translated headword: Iphikratids, Iphicratids
Vetting Status: high
A kind of footwear, [taking its name] from Iphikrates.[1]
Damascius in Philosophic history [writes]: "if ever he went around wearing Attic Iphikratids or ordinary sandals".[2]
Greek Original:
*)ifikrati/des: ei)=dos u(podh/matos, a)po\ *)ifikra/tous. *dama/skios e)n *filoso/fw| i(stori/a|: ei)/pote de\ ta\s *)attika\s *)ifikrati/das h)\ ta\ sunh/qh sa/ndala peridedeme/nos perieno/stei.
[1] For whom see iota 772. On the Iphikratids see Diodorus Siculus 15.44.4: "he made shoes for the soldiers that were easy to untie and light, and they are still to this day known, after him, as Iphikratids". Modern readers will think, by way of comparison, of the Wellington boot.
[2] Damascius Life of Isidore fr. 151 Zintzen (89 Asmus).
Keywords: biography; clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; military affairs; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 26 August 2001@08:02:57.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (augmented note) on 4 August 2003@00:39:17.
David Whitehead (added keywords) on 4 August 2003@04:47:44.
Catharine Roth (augmented note) on 14 November 2010@22:20:01.
David Whitehead on 16 January 2013@09:43:33.


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