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Headword: *)/iu+gc
Adler number: iota,759
Translated headword: Jynx, Iunx
Vetting Status: high
A daughter of Echo or Peitho [Persuasion], conqueror-in-the-games[1] and of Aphrodite; bewitching Zeus with drugs she was turned to stone for such things by Hera.[2] And she was called kinaidion ['little pervert'] by some. There is also a little instrument which is called iunx, which enchantresses are accustomed to turn about as they cast charms on their beloveds. It is also a bird, which is believed to have the same power.[3] Wherefore they bind [them] on wheels.[4]
Greek Original:
*)/iu+gc, *)hxou=s h)\ *peiqou=s quga/thr, i(eroni/khs kai\ *)afrodi/ths: katafarma/ttousa de\ to\n *di/a e)pi\ toiou/tois a)peliqw/qh u(po\ *(/hras. kalei=tai de\ u(p' e)ni/wn kinai/dion. e)/sti de\ kai\ o)rga/nio/n ti i)/u+gc kalou/menon, o(/per ei)w/qasin ai( farmaki/des stre/fein, w(s katakhlou/menai tou\s a)gapwme/nous. e)/sti de\ kai\ o)/rneo/n ti, w(=| pro/seitai th\n au)th\n du/namin e)/xein. o(/qen desmeu/ousi toi=s troxi/skois.
Same entry in Photius (Lexicon iota273 Theodoridis); similar matrual in other lexica, and in scholia on Pindar (Pythian 4.381a, Nemean 4.56) and Theocritus (Idylls 2.17).
See also iota 758, iota 760, iota 761.
[1] Adler prints the transmitted i(eroni/khs but notes it as corrupt. In his Photius edition Theodoridis prints (but obelizes) Porson's conjecture i(era\ *Ni/khs, "priestess(?) of Nike and of Aphrodite".
[2] The Suda omits from this sentence the phrase (in Photius and one of the Pindar scholia) e)pi\ *)Ioi=.
[3] The wryneck, Jynx torquilla, a Eurasian woodpecker; cf. Peterson, et al. (156).
[4] cf. Jobling s.v. Jynx (212), Nelson (443-456), and iota 760 note.
R. Peterson, G. Montfort, and P. Hollom, A Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe, (New York, 1993)
J.A. Jobling, Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names, (London, 2010)
G.W. Nelson, "A Greek Votive Iynx-Wheel in Boston," American Journal of Archaeology 44 (1940) 443-456
Keywords: daily life; definition; gender and sexuality; mythology; poetry; science and technology; women; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 3 December 2000@10:34:46.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added note) on 4 August 2003@00:34:49.
Catharine Roth (added cross-references) on 4 August 2003@00:36:16.
David Whitehead (modified translation) on 4 August 2003@04:45:34.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 16 January 2013@08:19:45.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 25 January 2013@22:06:35.
David Whitehead (more coding) on 27 April 2016@07:39:09.
Ronald Allen (added notes, bibliography, and keyword) on 28 February 2019@14:25:01.


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