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Search results for iota,736 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,736
Translated headword: hasty, reckless
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] shameless, hard, cruel: from the [verb] i(/esqai ["to yearn"], which is to rush forward, for shameless [persons] are like this.[1]
"She now laughed a reckless and shameless and licentious laughter, now uttered audacious words."[2]
And elsewhere: "not to blush at what has been said [is a sign] of the greatest recklessness and shamelessness. He himself maintaining his color did not blush."[3]
Alco [sc. attested is] i)tamw/tata.[4]
Greek Original:*)itamo/s: a)naidh/s, sklhro/s, w)mo/s: para\ to\ i(/esqai, o(/ e)stin o(rma=n: toiou=toi ga\r kai\ oi( a)naidei=s. h( de\ nu=n me\n e)ge/la i)tamo/n te kai\ a)nai/sxunton h)\ a)ko/laston ge/lwta, nu=n de\ e)fqe/ggeto r(h/mata au)qa/dh. kai\ au)=qis: to\ ga\r mh\ e)ruqria=n e)pi\ toi=s ei)rhme/nois pa/shs i)tamo/thtos kai\ a)naisxunti/as. o( au)to\s me/nwn e)pi\ to\ xrw=ma ou)k e)ruqria=|. kai\ *)itamw/tata.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica. The headword is actually derived from
ei)=mi "go."
Babyloniaca fr. 98 Habrich; already quoted at
alpha 916.
[3] cf.
epsilon 3095.
[4] Superlative, neuter plural. Also in other lexica; evidently quoted from somewhere.
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 June 2006@01:00:40.
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