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Search results for iota,706 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,706
Translated headword: Istros, Ister
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of Menandros the son of Istros;[1] from Kyrene or Macedon; historian; slave and pupil of Kallimachos.[2] But Hermippos in book 2 of
Culturally Prominent Slaves says that he came from
Paphos.[3] He wrote many things, both in prose and as verse.[4]
Greek Original:*)/istros, *mena/ndrou, *)/istrou, *kurhnai=os h)\ *makedw/n, suggrafeu/s, *kallima/xou dou=los kai\ gnw/rimos. *(/ermippos de\ au)to/n fhsi *pa/fion e)n tw=| b# tw=n diapreya/ntwn e)n paidei/a| dou/lwn. e)/graye de\ polla\ kai\ kataloga/dhn kai\ poihtikw=s.
Second half of C3 BCE. See generally OCD(4) s.v. '
Ister, author'; FGrH 334.
[1] Or (Kuster) 'son of Menandros the historian'.
kappa 227.
[3] In SW
Cyprus. (Modern scholars have preferred this to the alternatives given earlier.) For this Hermippos -- who is not the biographer Hermippos of
Smyrna -- see
epsilon 3045.
[4] Little survives; most of what does comes from his digest of early Athenian history and institutions.
Keywords: biography; geography; historiography; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 26 August 2001@08:31:27.
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