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Search results for iota,690 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,690
Translated headword: a ragged sail
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] old rigging, worn out or not serviceable.
Aristophanes [writes]: "[I will contrive that you take] a ragged sail."[1]
"As if his nature recognized late its proper work, not little by little, but with the same sails as he was carried away from the sophistic sect, when he first became a philosopher."[2]
Greek Original:*(isti/on sapro/n: a)/rmenon palaio/n, tri/bakon h)\ mh\ a(rmo/zon. *)aristofa/nhs: a)nti\ tou= i(sti/on sapro/n. w(/sper e)pignou/shs o)ye\ th=s fu/sews au)tou= to\ oi)kei=on e)/rgon, ou) kata\ mikro/n, a)ll' o(/sois i(sti/ois a)phne/xqh th=s sofistikh=s proaire/sews, e)peidh\ to\ prw=ton e)filoso/fhsen.
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Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; imagery; military affairs; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 25 April 2006@18:19:41.
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