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Search results for iota,667 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,667
Translated headword: isoteles
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [
isoteles] and
isoteleia. [sc.
isoteleia was] a particular honour frequently given to those metics who seemed worthy, which brought them exemption from the metic-tax.
Theophrastus[1] says that
isoteleis also used to have exemption from the other things the metics did. And [the] Athenians used to vote tax-exemption to whole cities, such as
Olynthus and
Thebes. The
isoteleis paid a prescribed tax of some kind.
Greek Original:*)isotelh\s kai\ *)isote/leia: polla/kis timh/ tis e)di/doto toi=s a)ci/ois fanei=si tw=n metoi/kwn, kaq' h(\n tou= metoiki/ou a)/fesis au)tw=n e)gi/gneto. o(/ti de\ kai\ tw=n a)/llwn, w(=n e)/pratton oi( me/toikoi, a)/fesin ei)=xon i)sotelei=s *qeo/frastos le/gei. kai\ po/lesi de\ o(/lais e)yhfi/zonto th\n a)te/leian *)aqhnai=oi, w(/sper *)olunqi/ois kai\ *qhbai/ois. o( de\ i)sotelh\s w(risme/non ti te/los e)di/dou.
An abridged (and debased) version of Harpokration s.v., an entry generated in the first instance by
Isaeus fr. 45 Sauppe.
See also
iota 665 and
iota 666.
Theophrastus fr. 8 S-M = 656 Fortenbaugh.
D. Whitehead, The Ideology of the Athenian Metic (Cambridge 1977) 11-13 and passim.
Keywords: daily life; definition; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; politics
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 May 2003@07:30:24.
Vetted by:William Hutton (added headwords, modified translation, added keywords, set status) on 21 June 2003@05:58:51.
Catharine Roth (added a breathing) on 4 August 2003@00:19:23.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 4 August 2003@04:22:53.
David Mirhady (upd Theophr. ref.) on 25 July 2008@12:32:07.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 10 July 2011@06:32:32.
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