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Search results for iota,665 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,665
Translated headword: isoteleis
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Those who as some kind of honour, conferred on them by decree of the [sc. Athenian] people, change to the rights of naturalized citizens[1] used to be called isoteleis. This is what the city did for the metics, when it was decided that they had performed a public service.
Greek Original:*)isotelei=s: oi( a)po\ tou= metoikei=n kata/ tina timh\n para\ tou= dh/mou genome/nhn kata\ yh/fisma metabai/nontes ei)s to\ tw=n dhmopoih/twn di/kaion i)sotelei=s w)noma/zonto. e)gi/neto de\ tou=to toi=s metoi/kois u(po\ th=s po/lews, o(/tan e)/docan eu)= pepoihke/nai to\ koino/n.
Keywords: constitution; daily life; definition; economics; ethics; history; law
Translated by: David Whitehead on 23 May 2003@07:39:18.
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