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Headword: *)isi/dwros
Adler number: iota,631
Translated headword: Isidore, Isidoros
Vetting Status: high
Philosopher; he learned philosophy under his brothers, being exceptionally attentive in his studies and in religion; he was competent in the extreme, so to speak, in arranging everything for religious cult. As it seems to me, in his life-style he was a philosopher, but in understanding he was not well approved, being unpracticed rather than untalented in dialectic. When he was young something remarkable happened. His sister's son, an age-mate of his, who was 18 years old, having demonstrated already in youth a miraculous natural force, fell from the roof and died instantly. When great mourning for him ensued, he came in a dream and consoled Isidore for this.
Greek Original:
*)isi/dwros, filo/sofos: o(\s e)filoso/fhse me\n u(po\ toi=s a)delfoi=s, ei)/per tis a)/llos e)n toi=s maqh/masin e)pimelh/s te e)n i(eroi=s kai\ ta\ pro\s tau=ta kataskeua/zein a(/panta, w(s e)/pos ei)pei=n, i(kanw/tatos ei)s u(perbolh/n. e)moi/ te dokei=n th\n zwh\n me\n h)=n filo/sofos, ta\ de\ pro\s e)pisth/mhn ou) diechtasme/nos, a)gu/mnastos w)\n ma=llon h)\ a)fuh\s ta\ dialektika/. ne/w| de\ o)/nti qaumasto/n ti sumbe/bhken. a)delfh=s ga\r ui(o\s au)tw=| kai\ h(likiw/ths, e)/th ih# gegonw/s, e)pideica/menos eu)qu\s e)k ne/wn fu/sew/s tina r(w/mhn daimoni/an, a)po\ tou= te/gous pesw\n e)teleu/ta paraxrh=ma to\n bi/on: kai\ pe/nqous e)p' au)tw=| mega/lou sunestw=tos, e)pifoitw=n e)nu/pnios tw=| *)isidw/rw| tou=ton paremuqei=to.
Of Alexandria; c.450 - c.520.
Fragments from Damascius' Life of Isidore (160, 162, 267, 7 Zintzen; 92 and 107 Asmus), quoted already at delta 116 and eta 227.
Keywords: biography; dreams; ethics; philosophy; religion; women
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 15 December 2002@02:04:26.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 15 December 2002@05:17:21.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 16 November 2005@08:38:28.
Catharine Roth (augmented note) on 14 December 2005@22:15:21.
Catharine Roth (augmented note) on 14 November 2010@22:17:56.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords) on 15 January 2013@06:35:58.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 19 January 2013@19:38:32.


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