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Headword: *)iatro/s
Adler number: iota,63
Translated headword: doctor
Vetting Status: high
[It has] a short [iota] in Aristophanes in Wealth: "what doctor, then, is there now in the city?".[1]
But in Homer [sc. it has a long one]: "a doctor man, you see [...]".[2]
"A doctor [is] an expert, someone who not only heals but also knows the basis for the healing".[3]
But [sc. note also the term] medical-practitioners. [Note] that doctors also wrote about airs, mountains and waters. There are compositions of Hippokrates written on such subjects: about airs, places and waters.[4]
[Note] that doctors are in the habit, through boastfulness, of naming plants after their native countries, such as 'Cyrenean' juice, 'Lakonian' spurge.[5]
And present-day ones [speak of] Pontic Rhubarb and non-Greek Rhubarb.[6]
For doctoring see under 'health' [upsilon 23].
Greek Original:
*)iatro/s: braxu\ para\ *)aristofa/nei e)n *plou/tw|: ti/ dh=t' i)atro/s e)sti nu=n e)n th=| po/lei; para\ de\ *(omh/rw|: i)htro\s ga\r a)nh/r. *)iatro\s d' e)pisth/mwn, ou)x o( i)w/menos mo/non, a)ll' o( kai\ th\n ai)ti/an kaq' h(\n i)a=tai gnwri/zwn. *)iatrote/xnai de/. o(/ti kai\ i)atroi\ peri\ a)e/rwn, o)re/wn kai\ u(da/twn e)/grayan. sunta/gmata de/ ei)sin *(ippokra/tous ou(/tws e)pigrafo/mena, peri\ a)e/rwn, to/pwn kai\ u(da/twn. o(/ti ei)w/qasin oi( i)atroi\ u(p' a)lazonei/as patri/das o)noma/zein tw=n botanw=n, oi(=on *kurhnai+ko\n o)po/n, tiqu/mallos *lakwniko/s. kai\ oi( nu=n *(re/on *pontiko\n kai\ *(re/on ba/rbaron. zh/tei peri\ i)atrei/as e)n tw=| u(gi/eia.
[1] Aristophanes, Wealth [Plutus] 407, with scholion.
[2] Homer, Iliad 11.514 (with epic/Ionic i)htro/s).
[3] Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentaries on Aristotle's Topica 561.12-13.
[4] Aristophanes, Clouds 332, with scholion. On Hippocrates, see iota 564.
[5] From tau 582; and cf. gamma 277.
[6] The Suda manuscripts have r(e/on (twice), but the noun in question should clearly be r(h=on (or r(a=), which medical writers refer to.
Keywords: botany; comedy; daily life; definition; epic; food; geography; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: David Whitehead on 19 April 2006@05:06:55.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, cross-reference, status) on 19 April 2006@10:16:47.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 19 April 2006@10:23:40.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr) on 8 January 2013@06:29:06.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 27 December 2018@01:59:24.


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