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Headword: *(/ipus
Adler number: iota,591
Translated headword: Hipys, Hippys
Vetting Status: high
Of Rhegium,[1] a historian, lived at the time of the Persian Wars, and was the first to write about events in Sicily; Myes[3] later produced an abridged version. [He wrote] Foundation of Italy; History of Sicily, 5 books, Chronologies [likewise] in 5 books; History of Argos [Myth, Place] in 3.
This man[4] was the first to write parodies and choliambics and other [such] things.
Greek Original:
*(/ipus, *(rhgi=nos, i(storiko/s, gegonw\s e)pi\ tw=n *persikw=n, kai\ prw=tos e)/graye ta\s *sikelika\s pra/ceis, a(\s u(/steron *mu/hs e)pete/meto: *kti/sin *)itali/as, *sikelikw=n bibli/a e#, *xronika\ e)n bibli/ois e#, *)argolikw=n g#. ou(=tos prw=tos e)/graye parw|di/an kai\ xwli/ambon kai\ a)/lla.
FGrH 554 (testimonia and purported fragments). The authentic version of his name is the -pp- one, as in Stephanus of Byzantium (s.v. Arkadia) and elsewhere. See generally Lionel Pearson, The Greek Historians of the West (Atlanta 1987) 8-10, summarizing the case for and against Hippys' historicity and gently insisting on the strength of the latter.
[1] At the toe-end of Italy (rho 122).
[2] i.e. the first quarter of the C5 BCE.
[3] Otherwise unknown.
[4] Surely not Hip(p)ys but Hipponax (iota 588), as Kuster suggested.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; historiography; history; poetry
Translated by: David Whitehead on 20 October 2002@11:59:19.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 20 October 2002@18:01:49.
David Whitehead (added x-ref) on 21 October 2002@02:53:28.
David Whitehead on 14 January 2013@08:47:11.


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