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Adler number: iota,578
Translated headword: Nisaian horse, Nisaean horse
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Between Susiana and Bactria there is a place [named] Katastigona, called Nisos in Greek; exceptional horses are found there. But some say [they come] from the Red Sea, and that the mares are all tawny.
Herodotus [says that] the place [called] Nisaea is part of Media.[1] Polemon wrongly says that the Nisaean horse [is] white.[2] Orpheus speaks [of them] in
Nisa is a place situated on the Red [Sea].
Greek Original:*(/ippos *nisai=os: metacu\ th=s *sousianh=s kai\ th=s *baktrianh=s to/pos e)sti\ *katastigw/na, o(/per *(ella/di glw/ssh| *ni=sos kalei=tai: e)ntau=qa i(/ppoi dia/foroi gi/nontai. oi( de\ a)po\ *)eruqra=s qala/sshs: ei)=nai de\ canqa\s pa/sas. o( de\ *(hro/dotos th=s *mhdi/as ei)=nai to\n to/pon *nisai=on. o( de\ *pole/mwn kakw=s fhsi leuko\n i(/ppon *nisai=on. e)n de\ *di/ktui+ *)orfeu\s le/gei. o(/ti h( *ni/sa to/pos e)sti\n e)n *)eruqra=| kei/menos.
Hesychius nu529 (where the headword phrase, evidently quoted from somewhere, is accusative plural); and
nu 425.
Herodotus 3.106.2, 7.40.3; both passages also mention the horses.
[2] Polemon fr.98 FHG (3.147).
[3] For 'Orpheus' read, presumably,
Euripides (fr. 1128).
Keywords: dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; tragedy; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 June 2006@08:48:37.
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