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Headword: *(/ippos
Adler number: iota,577
Translated headword: horse
Vetting Status: high
Dexippus [writes]: "and his horse was trained, even when ridden without a rein, to be driven very fast, and to stand very calmly while he was walking forward, and to turn very smoothly while he was stepping aside, so as to move round and make a circle".[1]
"Horses are the origin of wasps, but bulls of bees".[2]
Interpretation of a dream: seeing black horses is wholly not good, but the sight of white horses [brings] a report of messengers.[3]
Breeding horses appears to be expensive, which is also connected to the Laconian curse. For indeed the Lakedaimonians did classify this as a curse. It is this: 'may house and rampart[4] get you, and may your horse and your wife take a lover', all these things being expensive and damaging.[5]
Greek Original:
*(/ippos: *de/cippos: o( de\ i(/ppos au)tw=| h)/skhto a)/ra kai\ a)/neu h(ni/as e)launo/meno/s te w)ku/tata fe/resqai kai\ ba/dhn proi+o/ntos prao/tata i(/stasqai kai\ e)kkli/nontos, o(/pws perioi/setai kai\ kuklw/setai, eu)kampe/stata e)pistre/fein. o(/ti i(/ppoi sfhkw=n ge/nesis, tau=roi de\ melissw=n. lu/sis o)nei/rou: i(/ppous melai/nas ou) kalo\n pa/ntws ble/pein. i(/ppwn de\ leukw=n o)/yis a)gge/lwn fa/sis. o(/ti to\ i(/ppous tre/fein dokei= dapanhro\n ei)=nai. o(/per kai\ th=| *lakwnikh=| prose/zeuktai kata/ra|. kai\ ga\r dh\ tou/tous oi( *lakedaimo/nioi e)n kata/ras e)/qesan me/rei. e)/sti de\ au(/th: oi)kodoma/ se la/boi kai\ a)mbola/, o( de\ i(/ppos kai\ a( guna/ toi moixo\n e)/xoi: w(s tou/twn pa/ntwn dapanhrw=n o)/ntwn kai\ e)pizhmi/wn.
[1] This first quotation is from P. Herennius Dexippus (delta 237): FGrHist 100 F26. Dexippus, a 3rd-cent. AD historian, wrote an account of Alexander’s successors, a history from legendary times to his own, and a history of the Gothic wars of his own time. We do not know from which work the quotation comes.
[2] From beta 453, and cf. sigma 1733, end. These words form most (only a connecting ga/r is missing) of a hexameter in Greek: Nicander, Theriaca 741 = Greek Anthology, epigrams 9.503b. For the same notion about horses and wasps, see Aelian, On the nature of animals 1.28.
[3] Two iambic trimeters; from the dream-interpretations, in verse, attributed to Astrampsychos (alpha 4251).
[4] cf. alpha 1532 (a)mbola\s gh=), with cross-reference to delta 22 (dakno/menos).
[5] The same curse is quoted at delta 22 (dakno/menos) and omicroniota 66 (oi)kodomh/).
Keywords: daily life; dreams; economics; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; meter and music; poetry; religion; women; zoology
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 15 July 2002@03:28:41.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 15 July 2002@05:17:46.
David Whitehead (modified n.3; added more keywords) on 30 September 2005@08:17:26.
David Whitehead (typo in tr; augmented n.2) on 26 March 2007@03:20:25.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 14 January 2013@08:15:34.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 16 December 2014@23:50:32.
Catharine Roth (betacode) on 10 February 2019@01:41:02.


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