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Search results for iota,573 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,573
Translated headword: Hippomenes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: An archon of
Athens, who vacated his archonship for the following reason. He had a daughter, who was dishonoured in secret by one of the citizens. Enraged, [Hippomenes] confined her in a building, bound together with a horse, and he sent in no food for either. So the horse, oppressed by hunger, attacked the girl and ate her; and the horse itself later died. Subsequently the building was dug over and the spot named, from this [episode], horse's and girl's.
Greek Original:*(ippome/nhs, *)aqhnai/wn a)/rxwn, o(\s e)ce/pese th=s a)rxh=s di' ai)ti/an toia/nde. h)=n au)tw=| quga/thr, h(/ntina tw=n a)stw=n tinos ai)sxu/nantos la/qra|, u(p' o)rgh=s kaqei=rcen ei)s oi)/khma dh/sas su\n i(/ppw| kai\ trofh\n ou)dete/rw| ei)se/pempe. piesqei\s ou)=n limw=| o( i(/ppos, e)formh/sas th=| paidi\ a)nalw/sas te au)th/n, kai\ au)to\s u(/steron a)pe/qane. meta\ tau=ta e)piskafei/shs au)toi=s th=s oi)kh/sews, a)p' e)kei/nou o( xw=ros e)kalei=to i(/ppou kai\ ko/rhs.
There is another version of this story at
pi 655, q.v. for notes. The present version comes from
Nicolaus of Damascus (FGrH 90 F49).
P.J. Rhodes, A Commentary on the Aristotelian Athenaion Politeia (Oxford 1981) 78
Keywords: aetiology; architecture; biography; constitution; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; women; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 20 April 2006@05:49:10.
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