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Adler number: iota,570
Translated headword: hippomanes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This is what they call that which grows on the forehead of the foal. The mother eats it up immediately. In size this is smaller than a fig, black, flat, rounded.[1]
It is excellent for many purposes.
Greek Original:*(ippomane/s: ou(/tw le/getai to\ e)pipefuko\s e)pi\ tou= metw/pou tou= pwlari/ou, o(/per eu)qe/ws h( mh/thr kate/detai: e)/sti de\ tou=to tw=| mege/qei e)/latton i)sxa/dos, me/lan, platu/, perifere/s. e)/sti de\ ei)s polla\ do/kimon.
"A small black fleshy substance on the forehead of a new-born foal, which, if procured before it was eaten off by the dam, was held to be a powerful
Aristotle History of Animals 577a9, 605a2,
Theophrastus fr.175,
Aelian On the nature of animals 3.17, 14.18.": LSJ s.v. A.II.2.
For a different use of this adjective, see
iota 571.
Aristophanes of
Byzantium, Epitome of
History of Animals, 2.578.
Keywords: definition; food; medicine; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 May 2006@21:31:29.
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