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Headword: *(ippi/as
Adler number: iota,544
Translated headword: Hippias
Vetting Status: high
This man put forward the death of [sc. his brother] Hipparchos as a pretext for his anger at the Athenians and his subsequent savagery. And when in later time he became a bitter tyrant on that basis, just the same he had no joy of it; at any rate the sons of Kekrops kicked him out. After getting driven out of his own country he made the Persians his allies, once he saw what desire Dareios had for Attica, due to that peculiar zeal, that there would no longer be Attic figs in a free land, but rather they would be enslaved to him. And so this Hippias, going along with the Persians against his own country and frightening the barbarians, sneezed aloud; and since he was now an old man his teeth were rattled. Then from the violence of the sneeze one tooth was even broken loose, and it tumbled to the sand, where it could not be found.[1] When the barbarians were defeated, exiled once again Hippias reached Lemnos, and became ill, and lost his eyesight, as blood flowed through his eyes, and he died a painful death, thus rendering just compensation to his country, since he had led the barbarians to enslave her, and angered his ancestral gods.
Greek Original:
*(ippi/as: ou(=tos th=s ei)s *)aqhnai/ous o)rgh=s kai\ th=s u(/steron w)mo/thtos proi/+sxeto ai)ti/an to\n *(ippa/rxou fhsi\ qa/naton. kai\ pikro\s e)k tou/twn despo/ths ka/tw tou= xro/nou geno/menos o(/mws ou)k a)pw/nhto: h)/lasan gou=n oi( *kekropi/dai au)to/n. o( de\ e)kpesw\n th=s patri/dos e)ph/geto tou\s *pe/rsas summa/xous, o(rw=n o(\n ei)=xen e)/rwta *darei=os th=s *)attikh=s, dia\ th\n a)/topon e)kei/nhn spoudh/n, i(/na ta\ su=ka ta\ *)attika\ mh\ e)n e)leuqe/ra| gh=| e)/ti, a)lla\ dou/lh| ge/nhtai th=| e)kei/nou. i)w\n me\n ou)=n o(/de *(ippi/as e)pi\ th\n e(autou= patri/da su\n toi=s *pe/rsais kai\ e)kplh/ttwn tou\s barba/rous me/ga e)/ptare, kai\ a(/te ge/rwn h)/dh ei)=xe tou\s o)do/ntas kradainome/nous. e)k toi/nun th=s bi/as ei(=s o)dou\s e)cekrou/sqh kai\ katw/lisqen ei)s th\n ya/mmon kai\ eu(reqh=nai a)du/natos h)=n. e)pei\ de\ h(tth/qh- san oi( ba/rbaroi, feu/gwn au)=qis ei)s *lh=mnon a)fiknei=tai kai\ ka/mnei no/sw| kai\ th\n o)/yin tuflou=tai, ai(/matos e)pirreu/santo/s oi( dia\ tw=n o)fqalmw=n, kai\ a)lgeinw=s a)pe/qane, di/kas tau/tas dou\s th=| patri/di, e)pei\ tou\s barba/rous h)=gen e)pi\ katadoulw/sei au)th=s, mhni=sai/ te tou\s patri/ous qeou/s.
Aelian fr. 77 Domingo-Forasté (74 Hercher). On Hippias the Athenian tyrant see also iota 545.
[1] On this episode see R. Drew Griffith, "Hippias' Missing Tooth (Hdt.6.107)," The Ancient History Bulletin 8.4 (1994) 121-122. Herodotus 6.107 reads as follows: 'During this time, Hippias son of Peisistratos was directing the advance of the barbarians into Marathon. In a dream the previous night it seemed to Hippias that he had slept with his own mother. He interpreted the dream to mean that he would return to Athens and regain his power and end his days as an old man in his own country. Such was his interpretation at that time. He continued therefore with his direction of the invasion, first of all by sending the slaves from Eretria to the island called Aigelia which belonged to the Styrians and then by bringing to their anchorage the ships which he had piloted into Marathon and deploying the Barbarian troops as they disembarked from their ships. In the midst of these activities he began to sneeze and cough more strongly than was usual. As was natural in a older man many of his teeth were loose and in a violent fit of coughing he spat out one of these which fell into the sand. He made a great effort to find it and when the tooth could not be discovered he groaned and spoke to his attendants: "This land is not ours and I will not be able to take possession of it. My tooth already possesses my share of it." It was in this way that Hippias now interpreted his dream to have come true.' (trans. Niall McCloskey)
Keywords: biography; botany; dreams; ethics; food; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; politics; religion
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 3 December 2002@18:22:03.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented note and keywords; cosmetics) on 4 December 2002@03:23:09.
Ross Scaife ✝ (cosmetics) on 4 December 2002@06:32:29.
Catharine Roth (updated reference, added keyword) on 1 April 2012@01:21:47.
Catharine Roth (deleted link) on 1 April 2012@01:23:50.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 14 January 2013@06:23:57.


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