Suda On Line
Search results for iota,522 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,522
Translated headword: cavalry-commander, hipparch
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the leader of the cavalrymen.[1]
"When Marcius [sic] was first chosen as dictator, he selected in addition Spurius as cavalry-commander, with the intention that the command of cavalry should be first in this respect but second in respect to the preeminence of the dictator."[2]
Greek Original:*(/ipparxos: o( tw=n i(ppe/wn a)/rxwn. prw=tos ai(reqei\s dikta/twr *ma/rkios prosairei=tai i(/pparxon *spo/rion, prw=ton kata\ tou=ton kai\ th=s i(pparxikh=s e)pinohqei/shs h(gemoni/as, deutereuou/shs kata\ th\n u(peroxh\n tou= dikta/twros.
[1] Latin
magister equitum or
praefectus equitum: see LSJ s.v.; similarly glossed in other lexica. For this gloss see again under
iota 523. C. Theodoridis in his
Photius edition (vol.II p.LXII) points out that, here in 522, the Suda lexicographer textually corrects the
tw=n i(/ppwn ("of the horses") that he found in his immediate sources.
[2] John of
Antioch fr.80.2 Roberto. One might have supposed this 'Marcius' to be the man better-known, subsequently, as Coriolanus (
mu 210), but see rather Eutropius,
Breviarium 1.12: this is (T.)
Larcius, the first (501 BCE) dictator, and his magister equitum Spurius
Cassius Vecellinus. See also Livy 2.18 (web address 1).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; constitution; definition; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; politics; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 14 June 2006@12:58:08.
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