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Search results for iota,506 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,506
Translated headword: Iosias, Josiah
Vetting Status: high
Translation: King of
Jerusalem. In his time Hilkiah the priest found a book of the law in the temple and after communicating with the scribe he showed it to the king. The [latter], being reverent and righteous, when it was read to him, rent his garment and purged the temple of God of the abominations and having pillaged these [sc. pagan] idols he also joined the ones in Samaria to
Jerusalem; [this was] also when the passover was celebrated, after having been omitted for a long time.
Greek Original:*)iwsi/as, basileu\s *(ierousalh/m. e)pi\ tou/tou *xelki/as o( i(ereu\s eu(=ren e)n tw=| naw=| bibli/on no/mou kai\ koinwsa/menos tw=| grammatei= e)pe/deice tw=| basilei=. o( de\ eu)labh\s w)\n kai\ di/kaios, w(s a)negnw/sqh au)tw=|, perie/rrhce th\n e)sqh=ta to/n te nao\n e)ka/qhre tou= qeou= a)po\ tw=n bdelugma/twn kai\ ta\ ei)dwlei=a e)kporqh/sas tau=ta kai\ ta\ e)n *samarei/a| a)ne/zeucen ei)s *(ierousalh/m: o(/te kai\ pa/sxa h)/xqh pollw=| e)pilei=yan xro/nw|.
For Josiah see also
iota 507.
For the events mentioned here see 2
Kings 22:1-23:28.
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; history; law; religion
Translated by: Adam McCollum on 9 July 2006@11:34:26.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, modified keywords, set status) on 9 July 2006@12:08:52.
David Whitehead (x-ref and more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 10 July 2006@03:06:57.
David Whitehead on 14 January 2013@04:05:51.
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