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Adler number: iota,470
Translated headword: Ioanos, Ioasos, Jehoash, Joash
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Joash], king of
Jerusalem, after the death of Jehoiada the high priest,[1] betrayed his [former] care for God. The leading men of the people were also corrupted along with him, so as to offend against justice and what among them was accepted as best. God was displeased at the change in the king and the others, and sent prophets to bear witness of what was being done and to stop their wickedness; but they had a strong love and a terrible desire for this. [...] But they also stoned Zechariah,[2] the son of the high priest Jehoiada, in the temple, because he had prophesied that they would endure a great punishment for their disobedience.
Greek Original:*)iw/anos, basileu\s *(ierosolu/mwn, meta\ qa/naton *)iwdae\ tou= a)rxiere/ws proe/dwke th\n e)pime/leian th\n pro\s to\n qeo/n. sundiefqa/rhsan de\ au)tw=| kai\ oi( tou= plh/qous prwteu/ontes w(/ste plhmmelei=n ei)s ta\ di/kaia kai\ nenomisme/na par' au)toi=s a)/rista ei)=nai. dusxera/nas de\ o( qeo\s e)pi\ th=| metabolh=| tou= basile/ws kai\ tw=n a)/llwn pe/mpei tou\s profh/tas diamarturhsome/nous te ta\ pratto/mena kai\ pau/sontas th=s ponhri/as au)tou/s. oi( de\ i)sxuro\n e)/rwta kai\ deinh\n e)piqumi/an a)/ra tau/ths ei)=xon. a)lla\ kai\ *zaxari/an, ui(o\n tou= a)rxiere/ws *)iwdae/, kate/leusan li/qois e)n tw=| i(erw=|, dio/ti proefh/teusen, au)tou\s timwri/an mega/lhn u(fe/cein mh\ peiqome/nous.
Jewish Antiquities 9.166-9 (web address 1).
Josephus gives the king's name as
*)iw/asos; in the
Septuagint it is
*iwas. Perhaps the Suda (or its source) has confused the name with
*)iwa/nnhs "John."
cf. 2
Chronicles 24.17-22.
iota 474.
zeta 23.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; historiography; history; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 8 June 2006@00:12:24.
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