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Search results for iota,465 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,465
Translated headword: Ioannes, Joannes, John [the Lydian]
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A Lydian from
Philadelphia.[1] This man wrote one book
On the months, and another
On Omens in the sky; and [about] some other mathematical hypotheses. These [books] are associated with a certain governor Gabrielios.[2]
Greek Original:*)iwa/nnhs, *filadelfeu\s *ludo/s. ou(=tos e)/graye *peri\ mhnw=n bibli/on e(/n: kai\ *peri\ *dioshmeiw=n e(/teron: kai\ a)/llwn tinw=n u(poqe/sewn maqhmatikw=n. prosomilei= de\ tau=ta *gabrihli/w| tini\ u(pa/rxw|.
This is Joannes Laurentius Lydus, born c.490. (The TLG Canon unhelpfully lists him under 'Lydus'.) The list of his works given here omits what is arguably the most important one,
On the Magistrates of the Roman Republic.
[1] For this city, present-day Alasehir, see Barrington Atlas map 56 grid H5.
[2] Prefect of
Byzantium under Justinian. Besides the mentions of him by John (e.g. MMR 38 = 192), see
Greek Anthology 16.32.
Keywords: biography; chronology; constitution; geography; mathematics; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 10 April 2006@17:21:52.
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