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Search results for iota,456 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,456
Translated headword: alas Prasiai, io Prasiai
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "[Alas Prasiai] thrice-wretched and five times and, far more, ten times, you shall be destroyed today".[1] It is a city in Laconia.
Greek Original:*)iw\ *prasiai\ trisa/qliai kai\ penta/kis, kai\ pollw=| deka/kis a)polei=sqe th/meron. e)/sti de\ po/lis *lakwnikh/.
io see also
iota 454,
iota 455,
iota 457.
[1] A near-duplicate of entry
pi 2225, and (like that entry) a misquotation of the mock-tragic speech by Polemos (War) in
Peace, 242-3:
i)w\ *prasi/ai trisa/qliai kai\ penta/kis kai\ pollodeka/kis, w(s a)polei=sqe th/meron: "alas Prasiai, thrice-wretched and five times and many tens of times, that you shall be destroyed today'. See web address 1.
G. Shipley, '"The other Lakedaimonians": the dependent perioikic poleis of Laconia and Messenia', in M.H. Hansen (ed.), The Polis as an Urban Centre and as a Political Community (Copenhagen, 1997), 189-281, at pp. 229-30 no. 7.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; definition; geography; tragedy
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 17 December 2000@06:08:50.
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