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Adler number: iota,448
Translated headword: Ioustinos, Justinus, Justin
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Philosopher, who wore the garb of the philosophers, from the eparchy of
Neapolis [Nablus] in Palestine.[1] His father was
Priscus, son of
Bacchius. This man strove diligently for the religion of the Christians; so much so that he even gave to Antoninus (surnamed Pius)[2] and his sons and the Senate of the Romans a book composed
Against the Pagans, without being ashamed at the ignominy of the cross.[3] He also wrote a second book, which he gave to the successors of Antoninus, namely Marcus Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus.[4] There is also another book of his against the pagans, which he entitled
Confutation, and another
On the Monarchy of God,[5] and another, which he named
Psalmist, and another
On the Soul, and a dialogue
Against the Jews, which he held with
Trypho, the leader of the Jews at
Ephesus.[6] Furthermore he published notable volumes against Marcion,[7] and another book
Against All the Heresies, which he mentions in the
Apology which he gave to Antoninus Pius. Holding his debates at Rome, he reprimanded Crescens the Cynic who blasphemed against the Christians and called him gluttonous and profligate and licentious and afraid of death. Finally by this man's efforts and plotting he suffered as a Christian on behalf of Christ.
Greek Original:*)iousti=nos, filo/sofos, kai\ tw=| sxh/mati tw=n filoso/fwn xrw/menos, a)po\ th=s *neapolitw=n e)parxi/as th=s *palaisti/nhs, e)k patro\s *pri/skou tou= *bakxi/ou. ou(=tos u(pe\r th=s qrhskei/as tw=n *xristianw=n pa/nu e)kopi/asen, w(/ste kai\ *)antwni/nw|, tw=| e)pi/klhn *pi/w|, kai\ toi=s tou/tou ui(e/si kai\ th=| sugklh/tw| *(rwmai/wn bi/blon kata\ tw=n e)qnw=n suntagei=san e)pidou=nai, to\n o)neidismo\n tou= staurou= mh\ ai)sxuno/menos. e)/graye kai\ e(te/ran bi/blon, h(\n kai\ e)pe/dwke toi=s *)antwni/nou diado/xois, toute/sti *ma/rkw| *)antwni/nw| kai\ *louki/w| *au)rhli/w| *komo/dw|. e)/sti kai\ a)/llh au)tou= bi/blos kata\ tw=n e)qnw=n, e)n h(=| peri\ th=s fu/sews tw=n daimo/nwn diale/getai: kai\ teta/rth bi/blos o(moi/ws kata\ tw=n e)qnw=n, h(\n e)pe/grayen *)/elegxos: kai\ a)/llhn *peri\ th=s tou= qeou= monarxi/as. kai\ a)/llhn, h(\n w)no/mase ya/lthn, kai\ e(te/ran *peri\ yuxh=s: dia/logo/n te kata\ tw=n *)ioudai/wn, o(\n e)sxedi/ase kata\ *tru/fwnos, a)rxhgou= tw=n e)n *)efe/sw| *)ioudai/wn. ou) mh\n a)lla\ kai\ kata\ *marki/wnos e)pi/shma teu/xh e)ce/dwke: kai\ a)/llhn bi/blon kata\ pasw=n tw=n ai(re/sewn, h(=s me/mnhtai e)n tw=| *)apologhtikw=|, o(\ e)pe/dwken *)antwni/nw| tw=| *pi/w|. ou(=tos e)n th=| *(rw/mh| e)/xwn ta\s diatriba/s, eu)qu/nwn *kri/skhn to\n *kuniko\n to\n kata\ tw=n *xristianw=n blasfhmou=nta kai\ kalw=n au)to\n lai/margon a)/swto/n te kai\ a)ko/laston kai\ to\n qa/naton fobou/menon, te/los th=| tou/tou e)nergei/a| kai\ e)piboulh=| w(s *xristiano\s u(pe\r *xristou= e)/paqen.
From Jerome,
On illustrious men (Greek version) 33; cf.
Bibliotheca c. 125.
[1] Justin the Philosopher, also known as Justin the Martyr: Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1; works in
Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 1, web address 2.
[2] Antoninus Pius:
alpha 2762.
[3] Justin's
First Apology (and
Second Apology?).
[4] Marcus Aurelius:
mu 214,
mu 216; Commodus:
kappa 2007.
[5] Or,
On the Sole Government of God.
Dialogue with Trypho.
[7] Quoted by
Irenaeus. Marcion has a brief mention at
mu 213.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; clothing; ethics; geography; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 29 May 2006@20:57:12.
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