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Search results for iota,439 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,439
Translated headword: Julia Augusta
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Wife of the emperor [Septimius]
Severus,[1] to whom Plautian[2] did many horrible disservices; for he hated her very much and slandered her to
Severus, holding inquiries hostile to her and torture-sessions aimed at well-born women. Her response to this was to take up philosophy and spend her time with sophists.
Greek Original:*)iouli/a *au)gou/sta, tou= *sebh/rou gameth\ tou= basile/ws, h(\n o( *plautiano\s polla\ kai\ deina\ kaka\ ei)rga/sato: pa/nu ga\r au)th=| h)/xqeto kai\ sfo/dra au)th\n pro\s to\n *sebh=ron die/ballen, e)ceta/seis te kat' au)th=s kai\ basa/nous kat' eu)genw=n gunaikw=n poiou/menos. kai\ h( me\n au)th/ te filosofei=n dia\ tau=ta h)/rcato kai\ sofistai=s sunhme/reuen.
a.k.a Julia Domna; see OCD(4) s.v. Iulia Domna. The present material comes from
Cassius Dio 75.15.6-7.
[1] Reigned AD 193-211.
[2] C.Fulvius Plautianus,
Severus' all-powerful praetorian prefect until his murder in 205.
Keywords: biography; ethics; historiography; history; law; philosophy; rhetoric; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 November 2002@08:26:39.
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