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Headword: *)iouliano/s
Adler number: iota,436
Translated headword: Ioulianos, Iulianus, Julian [of Halicarnassus]
Vetting Status: high
[Julian] of Halicarnassus desired to renew the evil teaching of Severus, claiming that the body of Christ our God was incorruptible, that is, [because of] the union in the womb of his divinity and his body, even earlier than the resurrection of Christ from the departed. It remains to infer from this that it was not by some activity [of their own] that the Jews tortured and killed the Christ. So as the opinion was lame and weak, it was rejected by the ancient divinely-inspired fathers. Then indeed Julian not thinking appropriately either because of old age or because of excessive concern for Christ, falling away from the true and accurate opinion, or because someone else changed his teaching -– for this is whispered, that a priest of some city introduced this most wicked opinion to Julian … so he was about to proclaim the correct teaching of Christ, and he sent Marinus of Carrhae the city in Syria to confirm the dogma throughout the East, if he had not departed from men after a short time.[1]
This Julian became the most eager defender of the heresy of Severus, [although] Severus said that Christ had one nature and accepted the distinction in Christ, but Julian like Severus said that [Christ had] one nature, but he rejected the distinction.[2]
Greek Original:
*)iouliano/s, *(alikarnaseu/s, a)narrw=sai h)boulh/qh th\n *sebh/rou kakodoci/an, a)/fqarton ei)=nai fa/skwn to\ sw=ma tou= *xristou= kai\ qeou=, au)th=s ge dh/pou th=s e)n th=| nhdu/i+ th=s qeo/thtos e(nw/sews kai\ tou= sw/matos, kai\ prw/hn ge th=s e)k tw=n katoixome/nwn tou= *xristou= a)nasta/sews. loipo\n e)k tou= toiou=de ei)sa/gesqai, ou)k e)nergei/a| tini\ tou\s *)ioudai/ous ai)ki/sasqai/ te kai\ qanatw=sai to\n *xristo/n. a(/te ou)=n ska/zousa/ te kai\ ou)k e)rrwme/nh h( do/ca, pro\s tw=n pa/lai qespesi/wn pate/rwn e)cwqisqei=sa e)tu/gxane. to/te dh\ *)iouliano\s ei)/te u(po\ tou= gh/rws ta\ kairiw/tata ou) fronw=n ei)/t' ou)=n u(perbolh=| th=s pro\s *xristo\n e)pimelei/as, th=s a)lhqou=s te kai\ a)ptai/stou do/chs e)pe/keina e)kpesw/n, ei)/te kai\ e(te/rou tino\s a)nadida/cantos: u(poyiquri/zetai ga\r kai\ tou=to, w(s po/lew/s tinos i(ereu\s tau/thn dh/pou th\n kaki/sthn do/can *)ioulianw=| ei)shgh/sato: e)/mellen ou)=n th\n o)rqognw/mona tou= *xristou= do/can diakhru/ttein: kai\ dh\ *mari=non to\n a)po\ *ka/rrwn th=s e)n *suri/a| po/lews e)/steilen a)na\ th\n e(/w bebaiw=sai to\ do/gma, ei) mh\ meta\ braxu\n xro/non w)/|xeto e)c a)nqrw/pwn. o(/ti o( *)iouliano\s ou(=tos th=s *seuh/rou kakodoci/as prosta/ths e)ge/neto eu)qumo/tatos, *seuh/rou me\n mi/an fu/sin le/gontos to\n *xristo\n kai\ th\n e)n tw=| *xristw=| diafora\n dexome/nou, *)ioulianou= de\ mi/an me\n kata\ *sebh=ron fa/skontos fu/sin, a)nairou=ntos de\ th\n diafora/n.
Julian, bishop of Halicarnassus, was a leader of the Monophysites in the 6th century: biography at web address 1.
On Severus of Antioch, see alpha 852, sigma 271.
[1] cf. Photius, Bibliotheca p.105a35 sqq. (and kappa 1189 for the final part).
[2] George the Monk, Chronicon 473.7-12. The "distinction" in question is that between the body of the Lord and the Word of God.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; ethics; geography; historiography; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 5 June 2006@01:08:55.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (x-ref; more keywords; cosmetics) on 5 June 2006@03:42:09.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 13 January 2013@06:13:04.
Catharine Roth (updated link) on 18 January 2013@01:03:30.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 8 November 2014@00:12:42.
David Whitehead (typo) on 26 April 2016@10:57:25.


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