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Adler number: iota,430
Translated headword: Judith
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [It is said] that in the time of Xerxes, king of the Persians,[1] the Ethiopian kings rose up against the Persians, and when the king campaigned against them, the Jews looked to the revolt and, contemptuous of the king, went to
Jerusalem. But when this man [i.e.. Xerxes] got the best of the Aethiopians he campaigned against the Jews, entrusting the war against them to Holophernes. While Holophernes was besieging
Jerusalem, a certain woman named Judith feigned love for him; while he slept, at night she severed his head, and after impaling this atop the wall, she prepared to flee from the Persians. That is how the siege was lifted and the Jews released from their terror. But Nemesias, a priest of the Jews, spoke frankly to him [i.e. Xerxes] and persuaded him to make peace with [the Jews] and to allow them to rebuild
Jerusalem, with Esdra as their leader.[2] But Julius Africanus claims that it was Nebuchadnezzar, a.k.a. Cambyses, who was killed by her.[3]
Greek Original:*)ioudh/q: o(/ti e)pi\ *ce/rcou, tou= basile/ws *persw=n, oi( tw=n *ai)qio/pwn basilei=s e)pani/stantai *pe/rsais, kai\ tou= basile/ws kat' e)kei/nwn strateu/santos, oi( *)ioudai=oi pro\s a)po/stasin ei)=don kai\ katafronh/santes au)tou= e)pi\ th\n *(ierousalh\m a)nh=lqon. ou(=tos de\ perigeno/menos tw=n *ai)qio/pwn e)pi\ tou\s *)ioudai/ous strateu/ei *(olofe/rnh| to\n kat' au)tw=n po/lemon e)pitre/yas. poliorkou=ntos toi/nun *(olofe/rnou th\n *(ierousalh/m, gunh/ tis, o)/noma *)ioudh/q, prospoihsame/nh th\n filou=san au)to/n, w(s e)ka/qeude, nukto\s a)pe/temen au)tou= th\n kefalh\n kai\ a)naskolopi/sasa tau/thn e)pi\ tou= tei/xous fugei=n pareskeu/ase tou\s *pe/rsas: ou(/tw te th=s poliorki/as luqei/shs a)phlla/ghsan oi( *)ioudai=oi tou= fo/bou. o( de\ tw=n *)ioudai/wn i(ereu\s *nemesi/as parrhsi/an e)/xwn pro\s au)to\n e)/peisen au)to\n ei)rh/nhn spei/sasqai pro\s au)tou\s kai\ sugxwrh=sai au)toi=s a)nakti/sasqai th\n *(ierousalh/m, *)/esdra prohgoume/nou au)tw=n. *)iou/lios de\ *)afrikano\s le/gei, o(/ti *nabouxodono/sor, o( kai\ *kambu/shs, a)nairei=tai u(p' au)th=s.
See also
iota 431,
omicron 210.
[1] See generally
xi 54.
[2] Confused account from the
Book of Judith: cf.
iota 431, and see Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1.
[3] Julius Africanus,
Chronographia T75 (Wallraff et al.).
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion; women
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 29 October 2002@14:42:10.
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