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Adler number: iota,374
Translated headword: Indians
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A barbarian nation.
For war they had, as standards of the horsemen for every body of a thousand,[1] a dragon that was stretched up on a pole, whose head was made [of] silver, with grinning teeth and a threatening gaping mouth; the rest of the body was woven in silk, [looking like a] real dragon in the length and the depth and the many-coloured skin. A horseman carries this [standard], and when he raises the pole on the air, he drives away the cavalry with force.[2] And it falls, as it is likely when the blowing is driven violently. And when it is turned around in the folds of the hollow web and is not able to find a way out due to the covering, it rises in waves in the air and it turns around towards all directions raising the coloured garment, just as if it was the furrow of a real dragon.
[Note] that during the reign of Constantine the great, the inner Indians and the Iberians and the Armenians were baptised.[3]
Greek Original:*)indoi/: e)/qnos ba/rbaron. kata\ de\ to\n po/lemon h)=san au)toi=s shmai=ai tw=n i(ppe/wn kaq' e(ka/sthn xiliostu\n dra/kwn e)pi\ ka/makos a)natetame/nos, ou(= a)rgura= me\n h( kefalh\ pepoi/htai, seshro/twn o)do/ntwn kai\ tou= xa/smatos a)peilh\n e)/xontos: to\ de\ a)/llo sw=ma shriko/u+fon h)=n, e)/s te mh=kos kai\ ba/qos kai\ to\ poiki/lon th=s xro/as e)s a)lhqino\n dra/konta. tou=ton fe/rwn i(ppeu/s, metewri/sas e)s to\n a)e/ra th\n ka/maka r(u/mh| diw/kei to\n i(/ppon. kai\ e)mpi/ptei me\n w(/sper ei)ko\s e)launo/menon bi/a| to\ pneu=ma: ei)lou/menon de\ e)n toi=s ko/lpois tou= koi/lou u(/fous kai\ die/codon eu(rei=n dia\ to\ stegano\n ou) duna/menon kumai/nei te ei)s to\n a)e/ra kai\ metewri/zon to\ poiki/lon h)/trion pa/sas e(li/ssei tropa/s, w(/sper o(lko\s dra/kontos a)lhqinou=. o(/ti e)pi\ tou= mega/lou *kwnstanti/nou e)bapti/sqhsan oi( e)ndo/teroi *)indoi\ kai\ *)/ibhres kai\ *)arme/nioi,
Keywords: Christianity; chronology; clothing; definition; geography; military affairs; religion; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Kostas Zafeiris on 22 January 2005@14:58:44.
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