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Headword: *(/ina mh/ se ba/yw ba/mma *sardiniako/n
Adler number: iota,363
Translated headword: lest I dye you with Sardinian dye
Vetting Status: high
That is, so that I may not make you red with dye, by flogging you: as if to say, so that I may not turn you crimson. For Sardinia is a very big island near to Italy; in it there occur various, very vivid purple [dyes]. So he means to say, so that I will cause you to be given blows. For in Italian Sardinia purple dyes occur.
Greek Original:
*(/ina mh/ se ba/yw ba/mma *sardiniako/n: toute/stin i(/na mh/ se e)ruqro\n poih/sw tw=| ba/mmati masti/cas: oi(=on i(/na mh/ se foini/cw. nh=sos ga/r e)sti megi/sth h( *sardw\ pro\s th=| *)itali/a|: gi/nontai de\ e)n au)th=| porfu/rai dia/foroi kai\ o)cu/tatai. bou/letai ou)=n dhlou=n, i(/na mh/ soi plhga\s e)ntri/yw. e)n *sardoi= ga\r th=s *)itali/as ba/mmata purra\ gi/netai.
From a scholion on Aristophanes, Acharnians 112, where this phrase occurs with a marginally different form of the adjective (web address 1); cf. beta 89, sigma 130.
Proverbial in Apostolius 4.74.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; geography; imagery; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 April 2006@10:44:12.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaks to tr) on 20 April 2006@03:05:53.
David Whitehead (expanded note) on 11 January 2013@07:38:00.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 11 January 2013@23:34:04.


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