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Search results for iota,360 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,360
Translated headword: in order that, where
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] o(/pou.[1] Antiphon in the [treatise] On Concord [sc. uses it thus]: "to hesitate, where there is no occasion to hesitate."[2]
And Arrian [uses the word] instead of o(/pou: "where the wall seemed most easily attacked, he encamped."[3]
But i)=na [meaning] power, in the accusative, has both a smooth breathing and a circumflex accent; from the nominative i)/s.[4]
Greek Original:*(/ina: o(/pou. *)antifw=n e)n tw=| peri\ th=s o(monoi/as: o)knei=n, i(/na ou)de\n e)/rgon o)knei=n. kai\ *)arriano\s a)nti\ tou= o(/pou: i(/na e)pimaxw/taton tou= tei/xous e)fai/neto, e)stratopedeu/sato. *)=ina de\ th\n du/namin, ai)tiatikh/, kai\ yilou=tai kai\ perispa=tai: a)po\ th=s i)/s eu)qei/as.
[1] cf. (e.g.) scholion on
Iliad 2.604.
[2] Antiphon (the Sophist) fr. 55 D-K.
[3] Arrian,
Anabasis 4.23.4 (on Alexander the Great in NW India, 327/6).
[4] cf. (e.g.)
Etymologicum Magnum 471.13; scholion on
Iliad 5.245. See also
iota 376,
iota 603.
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; historiography; military affairs; philosophy
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 19 April 2006@00:55:45.
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